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Our Values

Welcome to Leap, where our values aren't just words on a page – they're the heartbeat of our community. If you're wondering what makes us tick and defines our culture, look no further. Here's a glimpse into the guiding principles that shape who we are: 
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Plug & Play. Be Compatible

We go out of our way to help
We treat others as they want to be treated
We are flexible, personable and positive to all
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Be The Spark

We challenge the status quo
We bring passion and creativity to solve hard problems 
We are proactive, take initiative and speak up

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Lead The Way

We take responsibility for our growth
We do what is right for the client or team, not what is easy for us
We are leaders in both large and small tasks 

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Get Things Done...DONE!

We do the right things the right way
We take ownership and deliver more than what’s expected 
We begin with the end in mind

Plug & Play. Be Compatible

The building blocks of what makes us fit together is how we treat and interact with each other every day. Day in, day out. It is about being committed to always having respect, honesty, operating with integrity and being loyal. This is not just to each other, it is to our clients, our suppliers and our industry. We want every person in the team to live and breathe the platinum rule… treat others they want to be treated.
We also realise that whilst IT is zeros and ones, as people we are not. Leap is built around its people. We need time to have fun, have a drink, chat, post a meme, play the Xbox or chill out. That means our environment needs to be flexible but also enjoyable, positive and welcoming. The rule we guide ourselves by, is that if we weren’t owners in the business we would still choose to come to work at Leap.
These are the minimum required qualities we seek in every individual who is part of the Leap Team. 
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Be The Spark

Even the largest of flames begins with the tiniest of sparks. That spark is what makes us unique, different and valuable. However, the energy that creates that spark comes from within. It is the passion we bring to the areas we care about the most and the feeling that it leaves in others. Whether it is being proactive, enthusiastic, taking initiative, getting creative or just thinking outside of the box, we realise that it starts with you. 
Our industry is the fastest changing in existence. By its very nature we have to learn and unlearn constantly. To stay stuck in old thinking won’t just stop us, it will sink us. Our clients are relying on us to guide them and we cannot do that when we have an old map. Often times we step back when we need to confront and stay silent when we need to speak up. There is nothing wrong with challenging the status quo and being different. It is who we are. 
At Leap, we look to our people to be the spark that helps light the way for themselves and others, to make a meaningful and positive difference at every opportunity.
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Lead The Way

Leading is not a title. It is a choice of action and a responsibility. Whether it is your health, family, relationships, community or work, you can choose your path and where you are headed. Our belief is that it begins with helping others get where they need to go first. This is about serving and understanding others, not telling them what to do. Being able to grow as leaders is our core desire for everyone inside and outside Leap.  
You don’t need to wait for the chance to grow. It does not require permission or approval. It is the natural expectation of all Leap people. We feel there is nothing wrong with being ambitious about solving big problems, tackling small tasks or taking one for the team. Lifting others up and putting their interests before your own is the ultimate test of leadership. This is about doing what is right for the client or the team, not what is easy for you. 
If you don’t have the desire to grow and lead, then we are not for you. If everyone at Leap is moving forward together then our success will take care of itself.
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Get Things Done...DONE!

There is done and then there is done, done. It is the rubber stamped, 100% no holds barred, fully guaranteed, all the way committed approach to how we expect things to happen at Leap. This is more than just knowing your stuff, this is about beginning with the end in mind and owning the whole outcome. It’s about everyone around you knowing without a doubt, that when you say you will do something, that you will do everything that is expected…and then some. 
Good intentions are no excuse for a lack of results. You don’t keep clients by only delivering half of what they have asked or paid for. Your word needs to be your bond. Perhaps this is just a small task like cleaning the coffee machine. Or maybe a bigger issue, like a whole network down that needs an all-nighter. Either way, when people are relying on you, they need to know in the bottom of their stomach that you’ve GOT this. 
Trust takes a long time to be built but can be lost in an instant. No matter the role, the position or how long you have been with Leap, we expect this to be evident in every area you walk, talk, act or touch. 
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