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There are certain standards that businesses should expect from their IT support services so they can be helped rather than hindered, aligning their technology use with their business’s goal. Responding slowly to technical issues in the correct manner can create friction between IT support and businesses, and often IT support companies fail to meet the expectations of their clients.

However, by creating and following a standardised set of best practice guidelines – IT support companies or those who offer complete managed services can reduce redundancy in support services and maintenance to streamline these processes.

The best tech support departments share the following traits.

They don’t keep customers waiting

No one likes to be kept waiting and, when you have an issue, even an hour can seem like an eternity.

Make sure your IT support service channels are adequately staffed and that IT Support utilise all their available internal and external resources. This means they can easily solve your customer’s issue on the first contact.

If an IT support representative can’t provide a client with an immediate answer, make sure they get back to or follow-up with the customer the next business day.

They offer multi-channel support

headphones and keyboard

The range of online communication channels means that clients want IT support through whatever method is most convenient for them including remote support services.

Rather than relying on email or phone communications, businesses should provide support services via other channels to make support readily available across all channels.

They train their continuously train their staff

Nothing is more frustrating for a client than feeling like they know more about a product or problem than the support staff. IT support are the face of the company, and the value of putting knowledgeable people into support roles can’t be overstated.

Hire experienced people, train them well to carefully listen to clients and understand their issues before responding, and train them continuously.

They educate their clients

educate clients

If the user within a business knows how to use the technology properly and is educated about simple troubleshooting procedures, it can reduce their frustration of calling or submitting an online ticket, which also improves turnaround time.

At Leap, we survey and measure the capabilities of your staff, then compare the results to similar companies to give you the insight to keep staff happy, learning, and productive. Ensuring that all employees can effectively use the technology within your business is a significant advantage.

They are internally efficient

Customer support software allows IT support to collect and store data in a central system where their staff can access it, saving time and providing a better experience.

The software can also be used to automate routine tasks, such as identifying problems and gathering information to bring more value to clients.

Proactive IT support includes highlighting issues before they become a problem and creating a Strategic IT Plan to increase efficiency for their clients with technology.

They measure success

measure success

Without any way to measure success, implementing a support system could end up being a waste of time. KPIs and metrics to measure success can be overviewed easily by business decision-makers to ensure value is being delivered.

If you’ve tried to improve internal processes only to hear “that’s the way we always do it,” Leap can help you gain momentum for future growth.

At Leap Consulting, we do more than provide IT advice, training, and support; we focus on making technology work for your business’s unique needs.

We use our expertise in IT and business strategy to develop personalised technology solutions to overcome your business’s challenges. Our “client-first” approach to customer service allows you to get more dependable performance and more predictable expenses.

We take results and KPIs seriously. Your success is our success.


Post by Zaun Bhana
Sep 4, 2017 12:45:35 PM