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Boost your business’s productivity with online tools

What is Microsoft Azure?

If you need to run an application out on the internet, you would normally have to deal with buying servers, routers/switches, and storage space.

The premise behind Microsoft’s Azure service is that, rather than investing in hardware and maintenance, you can pay a utility fee to deploy and manage applications through Microsoft’s global online network of data centres.

Azure is like many other cloud computing platforms and has the capabilities to create a more efficient, scalable, and secure environment. Azure services allow users to:

  • Use one login to access any app
  • Remotely access your line of business apps
  • Be independent and mobile by managing profile and security settings
  • Collaborate across organisations by giving partners, vendors, and contractors access
  • Stay better connected to clients
  • Eliminate the risk of unauthorised access
  • Defend against attacks using risk-based insights

Microsoft Azure History

Microsoft Corporate Office

Microsoft launched Azure in the US in 2010 and in October 2014 announced the availability of Azure cloud services in Australia, leveraging two data centres in the eastern states.

Since the launch, the service has posted triple-digit growth, and last year generated over $1 billion in revenue, according to reports.

More recently in June 2017, Microsoft announced an easier way to access their business intelligence software with Azure Analysis Services that ‘uses a highly optimised in-memory engine to provide responses to user queries at the speed of thought.’

Microsoft Azure Woolworths Case Study

To support online shoppers Woolworths moved their service into Azure, leveraging the cloud in Australia to ensure maximum uptime and availability for customers and ran through Christmas 2016 without a hitch.

As a result, Woolworths has transformed how it engages with customers, employees, and optimises operations. Similar transformations are happening in every industry right across the world which we know better as digital disruption.

Microsoft Azure Benefits for Business

Set up anywhere with your choice of tools Detect and mitigate threats Power decisions and apps with insights
Extend on-premises data and apps Rely on the most trusted cloud Support your strategy with any data
Deploy the cloud on-premises Build apps quickly and easily Achieve global scale, in local regions


Introducing technologies into a business creates a new set of challenges for the person responsible, especially ensuring that adoption and handoff to staff are seamless.

This is where Leap has been successful with our People, Process, Management and Technology process which covers the unique IT engagement model needed to align IT with your business goals fully.

Leap Consulting is proud to offer Microsoft Azure, the cloud platform from Microsoft that provides integrated IT services including computing, storage, data handling, networking and application hosting.


Post by Zaun Bhana
Jun 22, 2017 10:16:42 AM