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Traditionally, most backups were done in-office and on a machine you could actually see, whether a tape or a disk drive. This approach comes with all kinds of problems. Today, remote backups over an internet connection offer a far better option: more reliable, more automated and more secure. Those with a fast connection are in the box seat.

However, many businesses are limited by poor (or no) advice from their IT support company, leaving them stuck with obsolete backups and the attendant risks. Check out these 5 differences between both local and remote backup services which will help you make a more informed decision.

 1) A remote backup service is “over the wire”

All remote backup services are “over the wire”. That means an internet connection and suitable bandwidth is required. If your connection is slow (like ADSL1) and your data large, an improved service will be necessary to meet backup needs.

2) Remote backup means someone else has your data

Do your homework on the credibility, capability and financial stability of the company you choose for remote backup – because they are literally holding your data, which more than likely includes confidential information. Understand the risks and choose proven providers. Understand how it is protected (encryption – in transit and in the data centre). And most importantly, know what happens should the service provider go out of business.

3) Server backup is your responsibility and yours to maintain and upgrade

This is where remote backup leaves server backups in the dust. Remote services run automatically (with agents on the various devices which must be backed up). Server backups are typically ‘someone’s’ responsibility. That means that person has to run the backup every night, make sure the right data is backed up, the correct devices are included and the test restores are done. It is a lot of (unpleasant) work – which is why it is often neglected. That’s also why…

4) Remote backup is more reliable

Remote backups are executed by backup professionals. That’s all they do and they love it. That also means the necessary tests and checks is all part of the service (when you’ve selected a suitable provider, that is).

Specialists also use the best available technologies and practices for data protection – far beyond what any single small or medium business could afford. That means remote backup is a good deal more reliable than a server backup.

5) Remote backup means your data is elsewhere (but accessible over the internet)

Nobody likes the idea of a building burning down, but it can happen. Server backups will go up in the same smoke, while remote backups just need an internet connection and your data is accessible. That’s one of its biggest advantages: even if you’re just away from the office and need something, a remote backup can be accessed.

The advantages are clear and with more companies enjoying access to quality connectivity, the time couldn’t be better to consider shifting your backups to the cloud. By evaluating the options with the right partner, that move can be practically risk-free, fast and simple.


Post by Zaun Bhana
Sep 9, 2016 10:12:21 AM