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There are still too many companies which pay scant attention to data protection and database security. Like insurance cover, inadequate data protection measures usually only come to light when things have gone wrong – by which time it is too late.

With our reliance on data today, such situations can be catastrophic; even small losses can have a serious impact on productivity. Larger ones can imperil your business altogether. Avoid the pain with these five proven, yet simple, approaches to for better data protection.


1)     Use offsite and remote backup facilities.

In the old days, copies of key documents were held by lawyers or in a bank safe. This simple safeguard is no different from the needs of today’s electronic business. If an onsite problem occurs (fire, flooding or an electronic fault), having an offsite copy is obviously advantageous.

Choose a backup provider with a solid reputation, in a convenient location, accessible whenever you need it. This is particularly important if you are running an 24/7 operation. Just as you would aim to make sure your own premises are always secure, the same standard should apply elsewhere.

2)     Choose a proven cloud backup provider.

Automated cloud backups must be one of the top uses of the cloud. There are a range of options available, not all of which are created equally, but of one thing you can be certain: when copies of business information are automatically replicated into the cloud, business resilience is quickly improved. Automation is the key here: the former hassle associated with backups, which resulted in them not being done, disappears.

3)     Consider image-based backup.

This concept may be new to some businesses. In this process, a ‘snapshot’ copy is acquired of the operating system and all associated data, including configurations. The backup is saved as a single file known as an image; an image is incredibly useful as it allows a ‘bare metal restore’. In other words, take a new computer with no software on it, and the image can be loaded making it exactly like the old one it replaces. That allows you to pick up directly from where you left off (should a system fail).

4)     Make incremental backups.

The wailing comes first, followed by gnashing of teeth and a plea to the screen to somehow produce lost work after a system failure. That’s when just one person loses a few moments of effort in a key document they are working on. Multiply that across an organisation and its easy to see how large-scale frustration and productivity losses can occur. Avoid that issue with incremental backups which can be scheduled to take place every 15 minutes, avoiding the loss of hours of work.

5)     Keep redundant hardware handy.

One thing information in the cloud still depends on, is a device to access it with. Keep a couple of spare devices handy so that if something does go wrong with anyone’s machine, there is a ‘fallback’ on hand to keep business ticking over. It’s a simple solution, but one which delivers a good dose of flexibility at relatively low cost.
Using a range of approaches to guard against data loss is essential for every organisation. Outsource to the cloud, maintain offsite backups, check out incremental and image backups. But above all, make sure that your organisation has some resilience to cope with the inevitability of data disruptions.
At Leap Consulting, we’re experts in IT that encompasses people, process, management and technology. We’re here to help you get the most from technology, with minimum fuss.  Check out our free eBook ‘8 Mistakes Businesses Make When Outsourcing Their IT’, or if you have any questions, give us a call on 1300-532-748 for an obligation-free discussion.


Post by Zaun Bhana
Sep 9, 2016 9:43:32 AM